OHSA people are EXPERTS in Manual Handling & Ergonomics. We bring over 20 years Manual Handling & Ergonomics solutions across every industry including Defense, Transport, Mining, Health, Services, Agriculture, Warehousing, Manufacturing, Emergency Services, Aviation, Shipping, Rail, Road and so many more.
A business must manage its manual handling risk according to the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 Qld Part 4.2 Hazardous manual tasks. Section 60 Managing risks to health and safety states:
(1) A person conducting a business or undertaking must manage risks to health and safety relating to a musculoskeletal disorder associated with a hazardous manual task, under part 3.1.
The Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice 2011 Qld provides quite a lot of detail about how a business might meet their obligations to manage hazardous manual tasks. There are hundreds of examples of manual handling injuries resulting in large common law case payouts including the following article were a worker received over $1M for lifting a steel beam
Our people hold Master’s Degrees and are Certified Professional Ergonomists. We bring a variety of scientific tools, techniques and equipment to help understand what the actual problem is.
Analysing Spinal Motion Low Back Disorder Risk using the Lumbar Motion Monitor
We have been engaged to prepare 100’s of safety expert reports for the Courts, investigate workplace deaths for coroners, advise Industrial Relations Commissions, lecture at University, key note speak at conferences, advise foreign Governments, investigate major incidents and develop university curriculum, develop manual handling programs for multiple industries and Government departments.
Injury Prevention Program and Train the Trainer Course Developed for a Queensland Government Department
We have trained 1000’s of Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Ergonomists, Exercise Physiologists, Nurses and Safety Professionals. Our programs have won International Awards and Minister’s Excellence Awards.
OHSA Manual Handling Manual Program for Qld Ambulance – Recipient of the Minster’s Award of Excellence!
You probably see our solutions every day in industry. If you drive past a fire truck, attend a mine, travel on a bus, plane or train, get rescued by a paramedic, visit a hospital, get cared by an in-home carer, fight in a war – chances are you’ve experienced one of our solutions.
Determining static and dynamic push pull forces of Power Assisted Stretchers Tender Review
Our strategy is to work with our clients to help them solve their own problems. Almost every one of the major solutions we have been involved with has largely been due to us developing the necessary knowledge and skill within that business. This allows that knowledge, skill, tools and techniques to be transferred to their next issue. We take great pride and it gives us enormous satisfaction building that capacity in our clients.
Engaged as WHS Consultant by Virgin Blue Airlines to Review Embraer Aircraft at Toronto Canada
We have developed highly interactive 3D Digitally Animated Manual Tasks training course to address the Nationally Accredited Unit of competency HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely and we deliver this course over a 2.5-4.0 F2F course depending on the audience. It can also be delivered online. We have over 50 related 3D WHS topics including Office Ergonomics etc.
OHSA 3D Manual Handling Training Course HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely
Here is just a sample of the projects we have been involved in:
Thank you for your interest in our Diploma WHS course.
It is a pre-requisite requirement that students have completed the Five (5) core units of the Certificate IV in WHS before enrolling into the Diploma WHS program.
To ensure you meet the requirements and to make payment, Please contact our office via phone 1300 647 200 Mon – Fri 7.30-5pm or via email info@ohsa.com.au