Pathway to Construction - OHSA Occupational Health Services Australia

1.1 Million Australians work in Construction with an Average Salary $81,568 - Maybe time for a career change?

There are fantastic opportunities available in the building and construction industry, with over 70 careers to choose from. These include great salaries, rewarding career paths, self-employment, & global opportunities.


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General Construction Induction training (known commonly as the White Card) is a mandatory requirement for persons seeking to work in construction workplaces. S. 317 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 requires that an employer not direct or allow a worker to carry out construction work unless that worker has successfully completed General Construction Induction training (White Card) AND if their White Card is more than 2 years old that that worker has worked in construction in the past 2 years. Maximum penalty—$4,240 fine! Due to this, many employers are now requiring that all White Cards be no older than 2 years!

Obviously, there are many other courses you could take, but before you start spending money, you might want to speak to others in the job/industry you are hoping to work in. Your new employer might actually pay for you to do these courses! Obviously, having more qualifications will give you an advantage over other people chasing that same job.

WHS Representative

According to Section 21 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011, the employer must send their HSRs to an accredited 5-Day Health and Safety Representative Course within 6 months of being elected. HSRs also need to undergo 1-Day Refresher training at least every three years. The employer must also pay for the course and associated other fees and pay the workers’ wages to attend the training.

WHS Safety Advisor

There is no specific mandated course/qualification that a WHS Safety Advisor / Safety Co-ordinator / Safety Officer must hold.  The industry has generally settled on Certificate IV Work Health and Safety as the entry point qualification. Some employers are additionally requesting that any prospective candidate hold a Diploma in WHS. Obviously, you want your CV to look as good as possible when competing against other candidates, and you might consider adding other relevant qualifications, including Rehabilitation, First Aid, Incident Investigation, Training & Assessing and Hazard Specific Courses.

Operator / High Risk Licence Worker

Almost every job in construction requires a worker to operate a forklift, work from an EWP, erect some scaffolding or lift and move a load. With a High Risk Work Licence you give yourself a real advantage over the next applicant for that job. Most of these courses involve 3-5 days of training and assessment to get your ticket (licence). Many of the courses attract significant funding from various industry groups due to the recognised need to skill our workforce. We are able to train you at our facility, or we can attend your site and train you with your own plant and equipment.

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