Pathway to WHS - OHSA Occupational Health Services Australia

WHS salaries are 90% higher than all other jobs in Australia - with 14% more WHS jobs expected by 2025!

We LOVE our industry and the opportunities we are presented with every day to create healthy, safe and productive workplaces! Safety Manager jobs in the Resources / Mining Sector average $170,000-$200,000.


The Average WHS Safety Officer salary is $100,352, with some mining safety jobs as high as $557,000! A WHS career offers opportunities to work in every industry worldwide. We would love to help you get started.


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A health and safety representative (HSR) is generally a worker elected by fellow workers to represent them in WHS matters. They are entitled to attend a five (5) day government approved HSR course paid for by their employer. This is probably the very first step into a WHS career.

WHS Advisor | Safety Officer

A WHS Advisor / Officer / Co-ordinator is generally a person appointed by the workplace to provide advice in assisting their employer in complying with WHS laws. The average salary of a WHS Officer is approximately $100,352, and they generally hold a Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety as a minimum qualification.

WHS Professional | Manager

A WHS Manager generally is responsible for managing WHS matters in the workplace for the employer. A WHS Manager typically holds a Certificate IV / Diploma or Tertiary Qualification/s in WHS with relevant minimum industry experience. Safety Manager Salaries have been known to be up to $557,000!

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