Create your USI
The Australian Government passed the Student Identifiers Act in 2014. As of January 1, 2015, all students undertaking nationally recognised training are required to provide their Registered Training Organisation (RTO) with a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number.
What is a USI?
A USI is a reference number that gives students access to their USI account. This will allow students to see all of their training results from all providers, including all completed training units and qualifications. The USI portal will make it easy to find all your vocational training activity in a single place and will make sure that your records are not lost. The USI that is issued to you is yours for life – keeping all your nationally recognised training records in one place. Watch the video below to find out more about the USI and how it works.
When do I need to provide my USI?
On enrolment or before the issuing of your nationally recognised Statement of Attainment, you will be asked to provide your USI. If you have already received your USI, just enter it into the enrolment form when requested, and we will verify your details with the national database. If you do not yet have a USI, there are two options for you –
1. You can apply for your USI by going to , or;
2. OHSA can apply on your behalf if we have sufficient information provided by you.
You can also just follow the USI links on the OHSA enrolment page when enrolling.
Can I get my Statement of Attainment without providing my USI?
No. We must have your USI issue your statement, so it is best to be prepared for enrollment if possible.
What forms of Identification are acceptable?
– Driver’s Licence – Medicare Card – Australian Passport – Visa (with Non-Australian Passport) for international students – Birth Certificate (Australian) *please note a Birth Certificate extract is not sufficient – Certificate Of Registration By Descent – Citizenship Certificate – ImmiCard.
What personal information will be used?
If you want OHSA to apply for a USI to the Student Identifiers Registrar (Registrar) on your behalf, OHSA will provide to the Registrar the following items of personal information about you: – your name, including first or given name(s), middle name(s) and surname or family name as they appear in an identification document; – your date of birth, as it appears, if shown, in the chosen document of identity; – your city or town of birth; – your country of birth; – your gender; and – your contact details.
What happens with the information I provide to OHSA?
In accordance with section 11 of the Student Identifiers Act 2014 Cth (SI Act), we will securely destroy personal information which we collect from you solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on your behalf as soon as practicable after the USI application has been made or the information is no longer needed for that purpose unless we are required by or under any law to retain it.
Thank you for your interest in our Diploma WHS course.
It is a pre-requisite requirement that students have completed the Five (5) core units of the Certificate IV in WHS before enrolling into the Diploma WHS program.
To ensure you meet the requirements and to make payment, Please contact our office via phone 1300 647 200 Mon – Fri 7.30-5pm or via email